Tutoring Options
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In- Home Tutoring
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Home School Tutoring
California Teachers
Pod Tutoring
Florida Teachers
Subjects Offered
We offer tutoring services for K-12th, Pre-K, elementary, AP/honor students, special education, and lifelong learners. Here's how we provide world-class tutoring for each subject:
Pre-K through 8th Grades: Based on experience with thousands of families, tutoring sessions focus on phonics, sight words, basic math skills, reading comprehension and retention, creative writing, and penmanship. Whether it’s just homework support or reading with your child, we help your student become their best!
High School and College: Our focus in high school and college is on subject matter. Being able to think and apply concepts, not just plow through homework, is essential. Becoming an independent learner is key.
Special Education: We work with your child’s IEP goals and assist in alleviating the stress and struggles associated with homework. Our tutors become mentors, and their students become accountable to them to complete homework.