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Why Learning Geometry Is Important

Geometry has many applications in daily life that many of us are unaware of, and it is the foundation in helping us to view the world from different perspectives, whilst assisting with creative career paths and stimulating our interests. Every day we are surrounded by space and objects of different shapes and sizes, thus we must be able to understand and differentiate the various shapes if we are to appreciate the beauty of the world and learn more about it. Below are some of the reasons why learning geometry is important.

Numerical and Language Literacy

Although geometry is not directly linked to language literacy, it is a fundamental component in helping children to read. This is because children who can distinguish between shapes are better equipped to notice the differences between letters and identify them. This helps children to use that understanding to further develop their language skills when forming words. By exposing children to shapes early in their childhood, children can better understand the different kinds of structures such as a two-dimensional or three-dimensional structure. They are also able to learn how many sides different shapes have and their unique properties. By being able to recognize and name different geometric shapes, students can see geometry in their everyday lives and understand the importance and depth of the real-world application that binds us to geometry.

Spatial Thinking

Learning about geometry involves the understanding and knowledge of spatial use. Spatial use refers to the size and shape of things as well as the areas related to space and position. By engaging and developing their spatial thinking, students can understand the dimension and location of different objects and the relation between these different objects. Spatial thinking is required for many everyday tasks and is essential for mathematics learning. Students who can develop strong spatial thinking and reasoning skills will find learning mathematics to be much more interesting and also do better in maths. Moreover, spatial thinking as a fundamental skill is important in how well people can absorb new and potentially abstract information, and apply that information accordingly by making sense of it. This builds the foundation for critical thinking and problem-solving ability, which are two major components of cognitive aptitude. Many childhood and education specialists, therefore, emphasize the importance of constantly engaging children with shapes and picture books that model spatial vocabulary, spatial concepts, and model building and design. By assembling a jigsaw puzzle or blocks of Lego to build a structure, students can learn better as their creativity is aroused and all their senses are physically involved in learning.

Less Selective School SAT Prep

Schools that admit more than 50% of their applications are considered less selective. This is frequently the case with lesser-known local colleges or huge public universities. Your SAT score is essential here, but it doesn’t need to be really high. As a sophomore, take the PSAT to determine your starting point. If you’re having trouble, start studying sophomore year so you can get an above-average SAT score. Otherwise, you can wait until the end of your sophomore year and prepare over the summer. Look up the SAT score ranges for the institutions you're interested in and base your target score on them. If you want to attend the University of Kentucky, for example, you should aim for a SAT score of 1130 on the new SAT, which is their average SAT score for admission.

Real-World Application

In life, numerous situations require the knowledge, application, and planning of geometry. An example would be finding out if a table can fit in your room or when you need to replace your door. In all these instances, measurements and visualization of the process are necessary, along with understanding the spaces and areas involved. By ensuring that students can apply their geometric skills in their daily life, students will better appreciate and understand the meaning of geometry and its importance. If students can understand and apply the relationship between different shapes, they will be better prepared to use those skills in daily life. Lastly, there are many professions where it is essential to have strong geometric skills and be able to relate to different geometric principles. In today’s modern society, the usage of technology and software also involves the practical application of geometry to streamline processes, highlighting the evolving applications of geometry.