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Joseph Previtali
We are excited to shine a light on the success of Joseph Previtali, our April Tutor of the Month. From Woodside, California, Joseph has been educating others for over ten years.

“My proudest moment as a tutor is whenever a student, especially one who was struggling, achieves mastery of an important concept.” At Firefly Tutors, we value tutors celebrating the victories of their students.

When asked about one of his favorite success stories, Joseph referenced a young student with whom he is studying Aristotle to understand the history of the past and present. Joseph stated, “I am so proud of his willingness to engage deep philosophical concepts and apply them to his life.”

While Joseph tutors most subjects, he admits his favorites are philosophy, theology, history, and languages. These languages include Latin, Italian, and Spanish.

When he is not enlarging the minds of our superstar students, Joseph enjoys activities such as traveling, sports, and reading. Something that is very unique to his story is that he has taken a walk every day since May of 2010.

We are grateful to have Joseph with Firefly Tutors as he continues to illuminate the true potential of our students. Congratulations on being selected as our April Tutor of the Month!

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