The Benefits Of Pod Tutoring

Have you heard of learning pods or pandemic pods? Essentially, this means that families that do hybrid and remote learning are forming small groups, also known as pods, so that their children will be able to learn together from home. In such cases, depending on the arrangements of the family, children can rotate homes or choose to station at a single family’s home. Families can choose to take it one step further by hiring pod tutors to facilitate learning, effectively turning these small groups into “micro-schools”.

The Benefits Of Pod Tutoring

There are many benefits to pod learning- some children thrive and learn better in smaller groups. In these pod set-ups, children are able to have a group to learn together with, which can enhance learning for the entire group. A pod setup can not only benefit children but can benefit families as well. Rotating homes mean that caregivers and parents are able to continue going to work without having to worry about childcare every single day. This helps them relieve the pressure that arises from having to worry about childcare round the clock. Read on to find out more about the other benefits of pod tutoring.

Children Help One Another Learn

When kids learn in a small group, they are able to learn from the mistakes each of them makes, thus building knowledge effectively. A tutor can also help facilitate the process and correct children, teaching the group the right things to do and not make the same mistake again.

Gives Children an Opportunity to Practice Social Skills

Social skills do not come naturally to every child- some children struggle with it. In a pod where children learn together, it can be a safe space for children to practice their social skills and build relationships with other children in the pod. This helps to minimize the possibility of a child getting bullied. It is important for ground rules to be set in every pod, and to ensure that your child knows the other children in the pod before joining.

Helps Children Stay Motivated

Having other children and adults in the pod who celebrate their achievements and successes can make a huge impact on your child’s self-esteem, confidence, and motivation. It also helps to create some kind of healthy competition which can encourage your child to put in more effort into their schoolwork.

Allows Children to Shine

Every child has different strengths. In a large group such as in schools, their strengths may not come through. When in a smaller group like a pod, children will be able to share their passions, ideas, and creativity better which can allow other people to notice their strengths and acknowledge them.

If you and other parents have started a group for your children to learn together, having an experienced and knowledgeable pod tutor can help to enhance the entire learning process. At Firefly Tutors, our tutors are experienced and able to help facilitate pod learning. Feel free to contact us to find out more about what we have to offer today!


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